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It’s time for another Cunnington Catchup! It’s been a busy season for us! And having teenagers is a whole thing in itself! My boys are now 16, 15, 13, and […]

257. Cunnington Catchup | May

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I noticed that reading books is great but I really grew when I joined classes and there was accountability there. When I joined the Habit Lab earlier on this year, […]

256. Habit Hacks: Part 4

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We're diving back into habits this week! Something I noticed was that reading books about habits is great, but I really grew when I joined classes and there was accountability […]

255. Habit Hacks: Part 3

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This month we are diving into Habits! In this week’s episode hear my friend, Jenna, share deeper into her experience of running a small business and realizing that habits are […]

254. Habit Hacks: Part 2

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In this month’s series we are going to talk about Habits! A lot of people have heard of the Atomic Habit book, and how that’s changed people’s lives. Well, this […]

253. Holy Habits Series Part 1

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Welcome back to another March Mindset series. Your thoughts are a reflection of the identity that you carry. You want to change your identity, change your thoughts. So, how do […]

252. March Mindset Series Part 4

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As we continue to talk about renewing the mind, I was thinking of the Asbury revival that broke out on February 8th 2023 and went until the 24th. This revival […]

251. March Mindset Series Part 3

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This month we are diving into the topic of what it means and looks like to transform our minds. The spiritual battle we face is not external, but rather it […]

250. March Mindset Series Part 2

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Let’s take this month of March and really go through what it’s like to renew and transform our minds. The mind is where everything starts, and it’s where our battles […]

249. March Mindset Series Part 1

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Welcome back! Today’s episode is from our 20 day video series called I Dream Big. We have chosen a few to share here on the podcast with you and this […]

248. I Dream Big Series: Part 5