I’m a Bible teacher, author, small business owner, and itinerant speaker obsessed with helping people live the abundant life God has called them to live

hey friends!

Havilah, here.

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The Many Hats I wear...

From bible studies to lifestyle leadership tools, to masterclasses on writing and preaching, Truth to Table ignites people around the world to chase dreams God’s way and live the abundant life they’re called to. Whether you’re wanting to find community, grow in your faith, or level up your leadership and influence, I want to show you that it doesn’t need to be complicated anymore. You’ve got a purpose and God’s got a plan. Let me help you discover all that He has for you. 

Depression used to have a hold on my life and because of that, I learned to lean on the truth of God’s Word like never before. As a new mom, isolated and feeling alone, I knew I couldn’t be the only woman struggling like this. While my babies napped, I recorded myself at the kitchen table (you know - before it was cool and definitely before editing apps) and had my first ever online bible study. A whopping total of 1 person showed up - hi, mom! But after time, my following grew and so did my passion to make truth attainable, no matter the season. 

Life is busy. The world is complicated but our spiritual life doesn't need to be.

In farm-to-fork fashion, I want to get the World of God from my table to yours in an authentic, real-life kind of way.


My Life changed when I learned that no one else needed to participate in order for me to live an abundant life.

Can I be honest? I never thought I'd be the one teaching around the world through my bible studies, courses, or messages...

That’s right! Is it weird that I have party supplies always in stock? I blame the Italian side of me that is always ready for a good dinner and party. 

Or should I say “expert suitcase stuffer” instead? I love traveling around the world and getting to meet you in person when I teach! The global church is such a beautiful thing, amen? 


This is my glorified title for “I tried, I failed, I learned, I succeeded, and now I teach.” I’m a storyteller at heart with a passion to uncomplicate the “complicated” for you. 


Of all the hats I wear, I have to admit,"mom" might be my most favorite and challenging one. Four crazy, wild, and free boys will always have my heart.


Ben, aka the love of my life, is also the co-founder and brains behind Truth to Table. I love you! Let’s move to Maui. 


Get To Know Havilah

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I’m spilling the unfiltered truth about life, relationships, ministry, and leadership. Get ready to laugh, or maybe blush, as you say, “hey, same here!” more than you thought possible. Listen where all major streaming is available!

Home with Havilah

The Podcast


quit my job to write and record my first Bible study on the book of Matthew


hosted Keep Calm Finish Strong Bible study live and 100 women attended


hosted Radical Growth Bible study on Facebook for 6,000 women (Fall)

launched I Do Hard Things Bible study live event and 300 women attend (January)


created I Do Hard Things online event on Facebook for 25,000 women


started Truth to Table as a nonprofit ministry and opened private membership now known as Truth Academy

launched Dream Chasing Bible study on www.truthtotable.com for 25,000 women (January)


launched Soul Food Bible study online for 15,000 women and created Prophetic Personalities, our first-ever empowerment course, and launched with Bethel Church

went full-time leading Truth to Table while opening an office and hiring staff


launched Purpose empowerment course with Bethel and launched our first Crash Course to Communication: Message Prep

published with Thomas Nelson and hosted a global book club reading Stronger than the Struggle with 20,000 people


created Leap into Love Bible study live event for 800 women and 25,000 online and launched Crash Course to Communication: Delivering a Sermon later that year


hosted first ever Truth to Table live event for I Do Hard Things


launched I Do Boundaries Bible study for 25,000+ online and included private coaching sessions and became Women’s Pastor for Bethel Church

Where it all


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 Weekly Encouragement

That’s right! Let’s be virtual pen pals. My email list gets all the goods (I’m talking about the latest updates and freebies) before anyone else. Let’s get your inbox full of encouragement, but you know, without any of that spammy stuff, amen?!