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Welcome back to our series called I Dream Big. Today, we’re going to look at another way to figure out the specific dream of God in your life: through covenant. […]

247. I Dream Big Series: Part 4

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Welcome back! We’re in a series called I Dream Big, and today we’re going to talk about how the dream is also connected to your gifts and talents. Once you […]

246. I Dream Big Series: Part 3

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Today, we’re going to look at another way God reveals His dreams for us that is often overlooked: through pain. God’s glory will be revealed in your story of pain […]

245. I Dream Big Series: Part 2

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In January we had our annual global bible study, and this year I launched the I Dream Big bible study, which is a 20 day long bible study. For the […]

244. I Dream Big Series: Part 1

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Today is the final day of our Advent series. This week is all about love, but we will quickly do a review to remember what we covered in the last […]

243. Let’s Talk About Advent: Week 4

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As we continue this series about Advent, this episode we talk about the encouragement of Him coming. We see in Luke 3 that everyone was in expectation of the messiah […]

242. Let’s Talk About Advent: Week 3

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In the busyness of this season, are we making room for Him? When Mary and Joseph knocked on the inn keeper’s door, and he said he didn’t have room for […]

241. Let’s Talk About Advent: Week 2

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In December we are focusing on sloooooowing down and savoring all the season holds. In this 4-part series, I speak and teach on Advent. Advent is the joyful waiting and […]

240. Let’s Talk About Advent: Week 1

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The past few weeks we have been going through the topic of living with intention. If you missed any, you can go back and listen to them! Also, here’s a […]

239: Living with Intention Part 4

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I need to tell you some exciting news! I have been working on a project for the last few months and it’s finally ready! We have just launched something brand […]

238: Living with Intention Part 3