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At some point in our lives, all of us have dealt with guilt. It can seem to be the best motivator, but also the greatest drain in our lives. In […]

147: Getting Over Guilt

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Have you ever wondered what the secret to happiness is? In this episode, we’re talking all about HAPPINESS! Robert Holden, the founder of the Happiness Project in England, introduced something […]

146: The Secret To Happiness

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Do you ever feel like you’re in the trenches of life? Do you feel like life has become overwhelming and unmanageable? Join Havilah as she shares life’s secrets to handle […]

145: Are You Just Surviving?

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Sometimes in life, it feels like God is ignoring us. You think to yourself He’s not listening to my cries. What am I doing wrong when I’m doing everything right? […]

144: Is God Ignoring Me?

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If we want to reach our kids for God then we must not only preach it but LIVE IT OUT. Our message will be so much more powerful if our […]

143: Live A Life Your Kids Will Follow

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In this podcast, Havilah talks about overcoming criticism. Do you ever get discouraged about your reaction to things? Criticism affects our hearts in multiple ways and it can have a […]

142: Overcoming Criticism

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The loaded question…What is life balance and what does that look like? More importantly how do we go about achieving this in the midst of our crazy schedules? Havilah teaches […]

141: 3 Ways to Set up Your New Year for Success

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You are going to face hard things in life. Things that take your breath away. Those things you didn’t expect, the pain you didn’t anticipate, the moment you didn’t see […]

140: What Do You Do When You Face Hard Things?

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At some point in your life, you are going to face hard things. Things that take your breath away. Those things you didn’t expect, the pain you didn’t anticipate, the […]

139: Breaking Free from Fear and Pain

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138: Development in Every Season: Pt 3 Success looks like showing up. It’s always about doing what God has called us to do and never about our performance or fear […]

138: Development in Every Season: Pt 3