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This week is all about God’s faithfulness. Psalm 37:25 says: “I was young, and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging […]

137: Development in Every Season: Pt 2

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In this episode, Havilah talks about developmentinevery season and how the invitation to growth is always available. We walk through John 8 and learn about the opportunity to be fruitful […]

136: Development in Every Season: Pt 1

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This week is all about owning your spiritual passion. You alone are responsible for keeping the fire burning in your spiritual life and to stay passionate about God. It actually […]

135: Ownership: Pt 5

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In this episode, we talk about dealing with drama. Often when we feel anxious or misunderstood, we panic. It’s important to understand that there are a variety of emotions going […]

134: Dealing with Drama

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This week is all about owning our personal will. Whether you are strong-willed or have more of a passive will, ultimately our will is critical to our pursuit of Jesus. […]

133: Ownership: Pt 4

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This week is all about owning your words. Our words are a reflection of our hearts. They can create the worlds that we live in. It’s not about how many […]

132: Ownership: Pt 3

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This week is all about owning your thoughts. A lot of our battles happen in our mind and it is critical that we understand this battle. In order for us […]

131: Ownership: Pt 2

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In this episode, Havilah discusses the topic of leading your kids to Christ and the privileges that come along with that. Learn more and connect with Havilah: + + […]

130: Leading Your Kids to Christ

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Owning your battle means realizing that what you are going through is never bigger than the God you serve. He is here to defend for us and to protect us […]

129: Ownership: Pt 1

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“Do Christians go to Heaven if they commit suicide?” “Should a leader, who is struggling with depression, be in leadership?” “Is depression demonic for a Christian?” Depression and suicide is […]

128: A Conversation on Mental Health