Hey Girls!
I was reading in 1 Chronicles and wondered why God saw fit to put all those names in the Bible. Some of the people were spice makers, others were guards, and still, others were praisers of God. He mentions them by name. He knew who their family members were, and He knew their skills and abilities. He knew everything about them. He saw their significance.
He knows your name. He designed you with a specific purpose in mind. He knows everything about you. He sees your significance.
Noah built an ark in obedience to God. Ruth followed God and loved her mother-in-law. Moses led his people out of slavery. Job stayed true to God despite hardships. Deborah was a judge and a compassionate leader. John baptized Jesus. Esther showed great courage and saved her people. We can list on and on all the people who were significant in carrying out God’s plans. May all we do, bring glory and purpose for His Name.
I invite you to join me for the Priceless Conference 2021: Significance. I look forward to gathering together, finding encouragement, and celebrating God and His purpose in each of our lives.
In His Love,
Kim Kjos
Havilah will be speaking Saturday September 18 at 10AM, along with both Sunday services at 9AM and 11AM.