Ever Brighter 2023!
5 ways we will live EVER BRIGHTER this year:
1. In Balance. We will set boundaries around priorities. We will know our limits and honor them. We give ourselves permission for self care.
2. In the Word. We will self feed. What we feed grows. We will declare the Word daily and know who we are in Christ.
3. In Prayer. We will pray fervently, focused and faithfully. We will take advantage of every opportune moment to pray and hear Gods voice. We will put God first daily and fully rely on Him.
4. In Community. Monthly Table Talks strengthens, encourages and equips us to be strong Glow Women. Our light shines brighter together.
5. In Encounter. Glow Conference and Glow Nights are for encountering God, strengthening our faith and igniting our Glow!
Proverbs 4:18, The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining EVER BRIGHTER til the full light of day.